Discreet Amateur Investigator Thursday Night (Morgantown, WV)
Date: 2010-08-11, 3:37PM EDTReply to: gigs-hrdrb-1893338915@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
I need an individual with a digital camera or camera phone, email access and a vehicle to "discreetly" visit a few locations in the Morgantown area on Thursday evening/night.
Yes, you will be doing some very simple PI work: observing and picture taking--all from outside locations, no communication with any individuals. You may be required to follow an individual
to 2 or 3 locations (their workplace, gym, home) and observe if they have any visitors and take photographs.
I would personally be in communication with you as I know the details of this person's schedule for the most part. This would be for the evening/ night of (Thursday) August 12th, approximately
from 3pm (maybe a little later) til approximately 2am.
The right person and I will discuss secured, immediate payment through Paypal.
Thank you.
Location: Morgantown, WV
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: As noted above
PostingID: 1893338915
Flash me for $100
Date: 2010-07-15, 7:29PM EDTReply to: gigs-hwgzz-1845241609@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Just what it says. $100 for a nice long flash. Send clothed photo with face and best way to reach if available.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $100
PostingID: 1845241609
My Husband had Sex with my Mom
He wanted to sleep with another woman while I was pregnant.I came up with a plan that only backfired in my face.
Please feel free to comment on my story.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1902915816
Good-looking WVU Guy, looking for work? (Morgantown)
Date: 2010-08-11, 11:42PM EDTReply to: gigs-vedw2-1894150435@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Placements available for men ages 18-25 in the area.
Work for clients who need a range of services from maintenance to companionship to modeling.
You can set the parameters under which you will work, and the types of work you will do.
All services are legal, and clients will pay a premium for work to be done by good-looking and friendly guys.
Please note you must be open-minded as many clients are men.
Respond today for more information. Your information is always kept confidential.
Minimum rate is $50 for an hour; with rates up to $200/hr.
Location: Morgantown
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $50/hr and up.
PostingID: 1894150435
I need someone to draw something (Pittsburgh)
Date: 2010-08-17, 3:35PM EDTReply to: gigs-mg553-1904119133@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Looking for someone with the time and ability to draw something once a week for me during the entire football season.
Please reply with:
Samples if you have it (preferably cartoon and portraits)
Anything else you think may help
Location: Pittsburgh
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: Cash money
205 Stratford BRING BACK MY TABLE! (Friendship)
Date: 2010-07-31, 4:32PM EDT
Reply to: sale-yqaxe-1873732539@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
If you came on my front porch and took the free dresser we offered on Craigslist, it DID NOT INCLUDE any other furniture on the porch.
Please return, (or email me to arrange the return of), the table and 2 chairs you took immediately.
My neighbors witnessed you taking the items, so we do have ample description of you and your vehicle for the police, if it has to go that route.
Thank you.
Location: Friendship
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1873732539