Discreet Amateur Investigator Thursday Night (Morgantown, WV) Date: 2010-08-11, 3:37PM EDT Reply to: gigs-hrdrb-1893338915@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?] I need an individual with a digital camera or camera phone, email access and a vehicle to "discreetly" visit a few locations in the Morgantown area on Thursday evening/night. Yes, you will be doing some very simple PI work: observing and picture taking--all from outside locations, no communication with any individuals. You may be required to follow an individual to 2 or 3 locations (their workplace, gym, home) and observe if they have any visitors and take photographs. I would personally be in communication with you as I know the details of this person's schedule for the most part. This would be for the evening/ night of (Thursday) August 12th, approximately from 3pm (maybe a little later) til approximately 2am. The right person and I will discuss secured, immediate payment through Paypal. Thank ...